Mars & Venus Counseling Center | Marriage/Couples, Starting Over, Break-up Counseling, and Divorce Counseling and Child, Teen, Family

How exercise eases symptoms of anxiety and depression

February 27, 2023

Anxiety and depression can rob a person of their interest in and pleasure from the activities they once enjoyed. Low energy and persistent tiredness from poor quality of sleep can lead to a lack of motivation. Can exercise help ease these symptoms, especially when paired with therapy at Mars & Venus Counseling Center to explore the underlying causes of these conditions and change behavior? While the links between exercise and mental health are not crystal clear, it has been found effective for fostering changes in mood among those suffering from anxiety and depression.

There are myriad positive effects from exercise, from providing a coping strategy that’s far healthier than seeking escape through alcohol or drugs, to releasing those feel-good brain chemicals known as endorphins. Achieving modest exercise goals provides a sense of accomplishment that boosts self-confidence, and getting in shape improves one’s appearance and self-esteem. 

Don’t let the term “exercise” scare you off; becoming active doesn’t necessarily require joining a gym, hiring a personal trainer, or starting a structured routine. It can be as simple as taking a brisk walk several times a week for 15 to 30 minutes. Choose an activity you enjoy, start slowly, set manageable goals, and don’t be discouraged if you miss a day. If you’ve been inactive for any length of time, it’s wise to consult with your healthcare provider before embarking on anything strenuous.

While “moving a muscle, changing a thought” can ease symptoms, it’s not a substitute for understanding and treating the causes of anxiety and depression. In a private, confidential and supporting setting, working with our therapist at Mars & Venus Counseling Center creates a framework for healing and lasting change. If you have been experiencing symptoms of these conditions for prolonged periods and are unable to “just snap out of it,” let us help. You don’t have to experience these feelings alone. Please contact us today to schedule a consultation

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