A professional and compassionate full-service counseling center in Northern New Jersey and New York City for over 35 years | (201) 467-4173
As providers of skilled care, we help couples identify and address the root causes of their discord and helps them develop the coping skills required to successfully resolve their differences. With professional counseling and couples therapy, once loving partners can potentially reestablish common ground and work more cooperatively to improve their life together. At the office of Mars & Venus Counseling Center, you can expect a warm, inviting and respectful atmosphere during your couples counseling sessions with our psychiatrist.
While making the choice to go to couples therapy represents an important step towards resolving unhealthy and simmering issues, it often feels like an overwhelming decision. First of all, it involves admitting that things are not perfect in your relationship, which can be quite tough to concede. Additionally, as newcomers to couples counseling often state, the experience of exploring certain issues can be difficult, gut wrenching and confusing. As skilled providers of care, we recognize that couples therapy can be a daunting process and do our best to provide a calm and respectful environment.
In our office, we often see couples that are struggling to make important and potentially life-changing decisions. For these couples, the presence of an impartial third party with whom they can weigh both sides of every issue can be very beneficial. We also work with couples that have serious issues of trust for one reason or another, or are having communication problems that involve more loud arguments than productive conversations. There are also those who feel like it’s time move on but feel stuck in an established relationship. Whatever the case may be, if there's something you want to tell your partner but don’t know how to open the dialogue, or there's something wrong, but you can’t quite put your finger on it, we can help. Our goal is to resolve differences as possible and to help get you through these hard times with dignity and strength and compassion.
At the office of Mars & Venus Counseling Center, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality of skilled and compassionate care. For more information on our office and the many services we provide, give us a call today.
By New Jersey Centers for Counseling
August 14, 2019