Teaneck ADHD Counseling Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD, is a highly common disorder that affects many people, children, teenagers, and adults alike. Here at Mars & Venus, our
ADHD counselor in Teaneck has helped many patients learn about tools and strategies they can use to best manage their ADHD symptoms, and to keep their disorder from taking control of their lives. The symptoms associated with ADHD can be broken down into three main groups: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Some examples of specific symptoms to be aware of include: difficulty paying attention for extended periods of time, inability to hold attention long enough to complete tasks or activities, difficulty finishing schoolwork or tasks at work like paperwork, frequent shifting from one activity to another, procrastination, disorganized work habits, constant forgetfulness in everyday life, such as missing appointments or deadlines, changing conversation topics often, difficulty listening to others, losing track of details, not following rules or social conventions, and more. If you are struggling with these kinds of symptoms and are looking for solutions, our
ADHD counselor in Teaneck is here to help you. Here at Mars & Venus, we understand that treatment for ADHD and other complex disorders is never one-size-fit-all. We are here to personalize your treatment to your individual needs so that you will get the very most out of it. The first step is to schedule an appointment with our ADHD counselor in Teaneck so that we can get to know you and learn more about yoru specific symptoms. From there, we can start making real tangible changes that will help you through your everyday life.
If you would like to learn more about how our
ADHD counselor in Teaneck can be of service to you, we highly recommend that you visit the main Mars & Venus website, which contains a wealth of additional, detailed information that you might find useful. If you have any specific questions or concerns that we can help you with in any way, please do not hesitate to contact the staff here directly. You can reach us by giving us a call at the office or sending us a message online. We look forward to working with you soon here at Mars & Venus.
ADHD Therapy in Teaneck NJ
691 Cedar Lane Teaneck, New Jersey 07666 (201) 467-4173