The Covid pandemic created and continues to create physical and emotional separations between people, including our loved ones. And with so many of us being away from our friends and relatives, the space between us can make it difficult to recognize that some you care for is struggling with mental and/or emotional issues. The writhing can easily “hide behind” texts, phone calls and Zoom sessions.
At the office of Mars & Venus Counseling Center, we’re committed to helping those with mental and/or emotional disorders with empathy, patience and a broad spectrum of knowledge. We provide the highest quality of skilled and experienced care. When treating our patients, we tailor the healing to address each person’s needs. And you can rest assured that we’re committed to helping our patients’ conditions with discretion, whatever their natures.
Here are some indications that a loved one could be having a mental health difficulty.
Withdrawal from his (or her) usual activities: Kinds of detachment can involve not answering texts, emails and voicemails; staying in his bedroom or never leaving his home; avoiding activities with others in the household. These types of actions can denote the lacks of energy, engagement and motivation that are hallmarks of depression. They can also exhibit the avoidance and fear that accompany high anxiety.
Substance abuse: If a person uses alcohol or other mind-altering substances, look for an increased frequency and amount of alcohol, as well as drinking more than others (i.e., polishing off a six-pack of beer before the people he’s with have drunk only one or two cans); and indulging in substances solo, such as smoking marijuana alone in his room. People often use booze, marijuana and other substances to blunt their feelings of anxiety, trauma or depression.
A recent negative life event: Nerve-racking incidents and experiences are useful predictors of mental health difficulty. They could include: financial woes; losing a job; being a caregiver for someone ill or handicapped; having had Covid; working in high-risk occupations (such as farming, public transportation, building construction, aircraft pilot); the death of a friend or relative; or a bodily-injury accident.
At the office of Mars & Venus Counseling Center, our medical professionals are dedicated to the care and comfort of every patient. We maintain a position at the forefront of advances in care and offer effective solutions to treat your condition. For more information about our practice and the array of our services, please call our office today.