Counselor in New Milford NJ
Few things are as vital to your life's happiness, productivity, and satisfaction than having a successful marriage. It makes sense to be as prepared as possible, and that is why we at Mars & Venus are pleased to provide premarital counseling. Using as a foundation, the unparalleled wisdom and common sense that made the landmark book “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus” written by Dr. John Gray, our
counselor in New Milford NJ will help you and your future spouse to take the steps that will put you in good stead for a marriage that can last a lifetime.
How often is it that what starts out as a small misunderstanding can turn into a major fight? Unfortunately, the pressures of everyday life, along with the differences that men and women naturally have in how they view things, can lead to assigning blame instead of working together as a team to solve the problem. Our counselor in New Milford NJ will help you both to translate not just what they other says, but what they mean. In order to promote the strongest relationship possible, it is necessary to argue in a way that is positive. Yes, arguments are inevitable. But how they are conducted and the way you each treat each other both during and after go a long way toward determining if the outcome is one that moves the two of your forward together or pushes you further apart. The truth is that having a strong marriage is something that you have to put some effort into. But the other truth is that what you'll get from that effort is more than worth the time you spend with our
counselor in New Milford NJ.
Our goal is not just to keep you two together, but for it to be of mutual benefit. Schedule a session by calling our office today.